Consul Chartered Surveyors carry out regular Business Continuity Assessments and Risk Minimisation tasks.
The management of business continuity and risk for Consul Chartered Surveyors is vital for the Practice.
Understanding and reducing the impact of information loss and business disruption is essential for the Practice and planning and preparing for such events is a fundamental quality management task.
The Business Continuity Plan
Our ability to recover, resume operations, and eventually return to a normal business environment is considered a major asset and as a consequence a business continuity plan has been designed to deliver a quick and smooth restoration of business operations, addressing actions to be taken before, during and after an incident.
Understanding our capabilities and the risks that we may face
This entails conducting an initial risk assessment to determine the company’s vulnerability to possible hazards, emergencies and disruptions. The possible potential vulnerabilities and impacts have been defined and assessed.
A review of plans and policies that have been established for the Practice together with an assessment of the following key aspects is carried out:
(a) Building facilities
(b) Personnel
(c) Security
(d) Paper and electronic documents and records
(e) IT
(f) Suppliers
(g) Clients and end users
(h) Local impact
(i) Insurance
For Consul Chartered Surveyors, Business Continuity is a ‘must do’ task without which the Practice would be unprepared for even simple disruptions and it is a tool for helping to maintain the quality and integrity of its service to clients and for ensuring the workplace environment.